BHEL Hyderabad has supplied a variety of Heat Exchangers in
large numbers for diversified applications. Among them are Steam
Surface Condensors, Air Evacuation System, Feed Water Heaters,
Deaerators Inter-Stage Gas Coolers, Process Heat Exchangers, Air
cooled Heat Exchangers, L.P.G Bullets. These are rendering good
service in a number of Power Plants, Fertilizer, petroleum,
Petrochemical, Steel and other Industrial Plants |
BHEL's Engineering
capabilities are borne out of the fact that it meets the
exacting benchmarks of international institutes,
collaborators & customers. |
Thermal design is based on: |
Heat Exchange Institute (HEI) Standards
Tubular Exchange Manufacturers Association (TEMA)
Standards HTRI & HTFS programs
Collaborators programs
Programs developed in-house.
The design is checked for
reliable performance at various off design conditions.
The customers therefore get the most optimum design.
Mechanical design and manufacturing is based
on: Heat Exchange Institute (HEI) Standards.
Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association (TEMA) Standards. ASME Sec VIII Div 1 &
BS 5500 AD Merkblatter Collaborators programs
Programs developed in-house
The design is checked for vibration-free &
reliable performance at critical off design
conditions. The design takes care of load transients.
BHEL's Corporate R & D extends necessary technical
support on case to case basis in areas such as:
i) Thermo-hydraulic analysis
ii) Structural analysis
iii) Selection of suitable materials
iv) Design/testing of specialized items such as
spray valves, finned tubes, etc.
v) Vibration, transient analysis
vi) Failure analysis, etc.
Surface Condensers for
Steam Turbines upto 154 MW in utilities, combined cycle
power plants, industrial plants and process plants have
been supplied. Surface condensers for cooling water
chemistry varying from the softest water to the most
corrosive brackish water can be given.
Condensers with Admiralty Brass, Aluminum Brass,
Copper-Nickel 90-10&70-30, Carbon Steel and Stainless
Steel tubes with Ferrous and Non-Ferrous tube sheets
have been supplied.
BHEL has the expertise on
different linings for water boxes including metallic
overlay, rubber/FRP, corrocoat /polycoat lining and even
cladded construction.
Some of the salient features are: |
Optimised tube layout for minimum pressure drop Hotwell deaeration
Designed for 100% HP/LP by pass operation All welded construction
Axial condensers
Matching air evacuation
systems namely Steam Jet Air Ejectors or Vacuum Pumps
for the Surface Condensers are also supplied by BHEL as
part of the condensing system package. While the SJAE
are designed, manufactured and tested at BHEL Hyderabad,
the vacuum pumps are bought out from reputed parties.
The Ejectors are of two-stage design complete with their
inter and after condensers and a high capacity quick
evacuation starting ejector with silencers. Ejectors for
both horizontal and vertical mounting have been
supplied. |
The product range covers
both low and high pressure Feed Water Heaters for
utility sets upto 500 MW rating and also for industrial
applications. Some of the salient feature are: |
- Overlay of tube sheets for H P Heaters with
material compatible with tube material
- Split flow De-Superheating zone
- Double shroud Drain Cooling zone
- Expansion ring in pass partition plate
- Self sealing man way
- All welded construction
The Heaters are designed
for vibration free and reliable performance at critical
off design conditions such as, VWO condition, operation
of heater with lower heater out of service etc. The
design takes care of load transients.
BHEL has supplied single bank Heaters for 500 MW rating
thus qualifying to make heaters upto 1000 MW (double
bank). BHEL has also supplied Duplex L P Heaters
(combination of LPH- 1& 2 in one shell) and mounted in
condenser dome for 2 x 130 MW Jindal Tractebel Power Co.
Ltd. |
As the name suggests,
Deaerator is meant to remove mechanically the dissolved
oxygen and other non-condensible gases from the feed
water going to boiler. |
BHEL is one of the few
organisations in the world which has designed,
manufactured and supplied all the four types of
Deaerators, namely. |
- Tray type
- Spray type
- Spray-cum-Tray type and
- Spray-cum-Tray-cum-Reboiling type
Field tests have given us
dissolved oxygen content of less than 7 ppb (0.005
cc/lt). |
All types of Deaerators are suitable for variable
pressure operation. |
The Gas Coolers handle a
variety of gases normally encountered in the fertilizer
& Petrochemical Plants. These include Air, Ammonia,
Synthesis gas, Carbon-di-oxide [ wet & dry], Nitrogen,
Freon, Hydrocarbons, and Raw gas (highly hazardous and
corrosive). Exchangers with gas on shell side have been
supplied to those customers who have shown such
preference. Heat Exchangers with no tube in window
design for very low gas pressure drops have been given.
Process Heat Exchangers
handling a variety of fluids both an shell side and tube
side for various applications in refineries,
petrochemical plants have been supplied to both BHEL's
own design and to customers'/consultants' design. |
Barge mounted LPG Bullets
for transporting LPG from ships on the high seas to
in-land storage facilities have been supplied. All
activities were done as per Lloyd's Rules under Lloyd's
Inspection. |
Storage and Mounded type
Bullets for storage of LPG have been supplied on a
turnkey basis. BHEL's shop, welders and the welding
procedures are approved by the Chief Controller of
Explosives [CCOE], Nagpur, the statutory authority. |
Air Cooled Heat
Exchangers for applications such as Cooling Water
Modules, Air Blast Oil Coolers and Refinery Gas coolers
are supplied by BHEL. |
Air is used to cool the
process fluid where water, the conventional coolant, is
scarce. |
These are finned tube
heat exchanger bundles. The process fluid flows through
the tubes and air over the tubes. Air flow by
induced/forced draft' is created by means of axial flow
fans. |
Most commonly used in
tubes are G or L type. Tube material is Carbon Steel,
Admiralty Brass, Aluminum Brass, Stainless Steel with
Aluminum fins. Fans are of hollow blade Aluminum
construction for less weight and low power consumption.
The header design can be
either plug type or flanged type based on customers'/
customers' preference. |
The total unit comprising
of finned tube bundles, pumps, motors, piping
arrangement with necessary structural are supplied. |
In the various Heat
Exchangers and Pressure Vessels, materials such as
Corbon Steel, Alloy Steel, Stainless Steel TP
304/304L/316/316L, non-ferrous such as Admiralty Brass,
Aluminum Brass, Cu-Ni alloys, Naval Brass, Aluminum
Bronze, Muntz metal are being regularly used. As and
when required over-layed/ cladded plates, rubber or FRP
lined components have been successfully used. Special
materials such as alloy steels with compositions 1Cr-1/2
Mo, 2Cr-1Mo and 5Cr-2Mo (P4 and P5 Group) materials have
also been employed. |
Apart from good optimised design, correct manufacturing
technology and manufacturing facilities have an important bearing in
the ultimate quality, reliability and performance of the equipment.
Some of the facilities available are : |
CNC multi spindle deep hole
drilling machine of Kolb Germany, for drilling tube plates upto
1100 mm thickness.
Hydraulic driven expansion
machine of Vernon USA for tube-to-tube sheet expansion.
Mueller pipe profile gas cutting
machine for pipes upto dia 400 mm
Pipe bending machine of URALMASH
Russia. For bending pipes upto dia 219x28 mm thick
CNC multi spindle drilling
machine of wadkin UK, for drilling battle plates and tube plates
upto 70 mm thick.
Vertical lathe of HOMMA Japan,
(6m turning dia)
Orbital Automatic Tig welding
machines of ESAB Sweden and A/c Machines USA for tube-to-tube
sheet welding
CNC multi torch flame cutting
machine of SUAG German ( 200mm thick)
Plasma arc cutting unit for SS
(80 mm thick)
Edge planning machine upto 12m
length plates)
4-Roll plate rolling machine for
forming thick shells
- Heat treatment furnace of 5mx5mx15m
Submerged arc strip-cladding
machine of ESAB Swden, for overlaying of tube sheets.
Horizontal boring machine WD 160
Narrow gap welding machine for
thick shells
Shot blasting facility of 8m x 8m
x 14m � Hydrostatic testing facilities unto 1000 Kg/sq. cm (g)
Overhead travelling cranes of 80
tonnes capacity
Quality of the product is
of prime importance of BHEL. To ensure this, the Quality
s assurance and Control Departments report directly to
the Chief Executive. They oversee all aspects of quality
functions, covering design, technology, production,
materials, in-process inspection and testing.
In addition to our own quality control and quality
assurance departments, many of the equipment are made
under various third party inspection agencies such as
Customer / contract specific Quality Plans are developed
to ensure compliance with specification / standards at
various stages viz., engineering, materials procurement
manufacturing and testing.
The prime NDT facilities available in-house are: |
Radiography (X-ray) equipment - 300 KV 5 mA
Gamma ray equipment - Iridium 192, 50 Curie, Cobalt
60,60 Curie
Ultrasonic flow detectors - 10m depth - 1 to 16 M Hz
Magnetic crack detector - 6000 A HWDC
Digital ultrasonic flaw detector (upto 10m depth)
In recognition of the QA
programs and the implementation of systems and practices
in all areas of operation, ASME has been awarding the
prestigious 'U' Stamp certificate to BHEL Hyderabad
since 1984. In June 1998, BHEL has been awarded the ASME
'U2' Stamp certificate also. |
BHEL accords the utmost
importance to "Service after Sales". BHEL has an
all-India service network with regional headquarters in
the four regions of the country. This is backed by core
Field Support Services and Field Engineering "Service
groups located in Hyderabad. |
After systematizing its
operations and obtaining ISO: 9001
Certification in 1994, BHEL has move to TQM
phase for improving the entire business
operations by adopting principles of "TOTAL
QUALITY MANAGEMENT", to provide improved
service to all its stake holders viz.,
Customers, Employees, Suppliers,
Shareholders and society at large.
The TQM exercise is based on the
Self-Assessment Technique as per European
Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM)
model and planned to achieve world class
status by the year 2001. |
Starting its first
supplies in 1965-66 as on a March 1999, BHEL Hyderabad
has supplied about:
940 Feed Water Heaters ( including 67 HP Heaters and 62
LP Heaters for 17 n nos. 500 MW Power Plants in India),
240 Deaerators (including 16 nos. for 500 MW Power
Plants in India),
340 Surface Condensers with matching Air Evacuation
535 Heat Exchangers, and
385 Pressure Vessels.
Heat Exchangers have been exported to Malta, Cyprus,
Egypt, Malaysia, Oman, Saudi Arabia, etc. |
With the experience gained over the years, BHEL is now fully
geared to rake up refurbishment/power plant improvement projects in
a big way. The scope includes system study, recommendation,
engineering, manufacturing, testing, erection and commissioning of
the equipment.
The vast reference list and successful operation of the various Heat
Exchangers supplied is a testimony of BHEL's performance. |