BHEL with decades of experience and over 1000 turbines has comprehensive know how and know why of Steam Turbines covering system design, engineering, manufacturing, erection & commissioning.BHEL Hyderabad started manufacturing steam Turbine in mid sixties with Technologies from Skoda Czechoslovakia & later since mid seventies with Siemens collaboration. In Industrial applications,production process and thus the steam parameters and flows decide the turbine selection.This makes each industrial turbine design an individual solution,with very special design features.BHEL has provided specific solutions with built-in reliability for a wide spectrum of industries using building block concept which is being continuously improved. BHEL steam Turbines cover the whole range of requirement from Power (Captive power & utility), Drive, cogeneration , Solar applications and Combined Cycle power plants encompassing comprehensively all requirement for industry /utility sectors in range of 3-150 MW. |