BHEL gas turbines have been developed over the years based on wide ranging requirements of customers and have following features:
- Capability to fire wide range of gaseous fuels (Natural gas, Refinery gas, Low BTU gases) and Liquid fuels (Distillate, Naphtha, Kerosene, LCO, Residual heavy fuels like Furnace oil, LSHS, crude).
- Low exhaust emission levels upto 15ppm of NOx with DLN combustors
- Suitable for Simple cycle, Combined cycle and Cogeneration cycles applications.
- Suitable base load, peak load, cyclic load applications.
- Horizontally split casing for easy maintenance
- Models below 100 MW are suitable for both 50 Hz and 60 Hz application.
- Suitable for outdoor / indoor installation
- Ideally suited for IGCC application.
- Packaged designs, Shop tested & tuned suitable for shorter Erection and commissioning periods.
- World's largest experience on Naphtha fired machines.